Old Time Photos!
This is my mom... I think she kind of looks like Halle Berry in the middle picture... and the hair in the third picture... that's nothing compared to what is to come... hehehe....
Wanna see some pictures of Baby J??? Well... here goes.... the following are pictures of me... and me and my brother.. the last is of me, my brother and my cousin..

OKAY!!! ENOUGH LAUGHING!!! Lets get serious again, shall we??!! Here are three more pictures... the first are of my Aunts.. the third is my pretty little cousin...
Okay.... here goes... these are pictures of my Aunt and Uncle when they were younger..
And... like I said... I saved the best for last... The following is a picture of my Aunt and her two sons... Fro... Glasses and all.... Enjoy!!
STOP IT! You know laughing at peoples family members is not right!! It was the 70's! Stop it!!! Stop laughing already!!! :)
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