My Animals!!!
This is Rowdy looking like he is innocent! Believe me... he's not... that's why his name is Rowdy!
And here's Bo... he's my fat lazy 14 year old horse.... the best kind!!! Good with anyone who gets on him...
This is Jazz... I just sold her to my roommate for his son but she gets a little fiesty every now and then so I may trade him Bo and keep Jazz for me... she is a 5 year old.
Finally... this is Rain... she is my roommates horse... 5 years old and hopefully pregnant! I'm hoping she has me a Palimino Paint to add to my collection... recently added to the collection is a Palamino Paint Stud but I don't have the fence to keep him away from the mares... he will be guilded soon and hopefully brought to the house!
Here is all of them doing what they do best..... eating!!! And my little cottage in the country... well... aside from the highway that runs right beside the house...
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